Friday, June 12, 2015

Update Your BBM Version On Android

Many android users now use their cell phones usually have fun, so forget to update certain applications, for example, BBM for android.

BBM for android themselves often do release updates. This update release is done periodically with the aim of further optimize application functionality and reduce bugs in the application.

In the month of June 2015, the BBM for android has issued the latest version of BBM for Android where if you are using an earlier version, when opening the BBM will be a notification like this "You're using an old version of BBM. Update to the latest version of BBM for new features and fixes."

how to Update Your BBM On Android

To download BBM for android, can actually directly using your android phone or can also use the computer. For those of you who do not know how to update the fuel for android. below we give way.
  1. Open your browser or download manager application.
  2. Paste the link "" at address bar.
  3. After that, save the apk file on your conputer/phone.
  4. file name like picture above (see the red box). 
  5. if you have finished, send the file to your phone using usb cable or bluetooth.
  6. open and install the BBM latest release version.
  7. enjoy using up to date off BBM for android.
That's the way, how to update bbm on android for 2015. Good try.

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