Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Make Different Status On Facebook

Smartphone Solution reader's, this time i wiil share to you, how to make different status on facebook use facebook for blackberry on your smartphone. It's very unique trick for you.

Make Blank Status On Facebook Using Facebook For BlackBerry.

  1. Open your Facebook For BlackBerry Application and login.
  2. In the form status update, please type the text "@@[0: ]" without qoute.
  3. Press Update, to update your status, and see your blank status via BlackBerry.

Tag Your Friend On Facebook Using Facebook For BlackBerry.
  1. After, you should known profile id your friend on facebook, profile id can you find when using pc or laptop, click profile tab your friend, and see link like this the blue text beside is a profile id.
  2. If you have profile id, to tagging your friends, please use code below:
  3. profileid replaced with profile id your friends and inputyourfriendname, please input name or anything text for name of your friends
To tagging use default format by facebook with code "@" , cannot be use on facebook for blackberry, this code expecially for web browser which open by laptop or pc. So if you want to tagging your friend using facebook for blackberry, please use code above. Good Trying and Good Luck.

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